Technisch Ingenieursbureau E. Meurs B.V. is a company with 20 employees. Our company is active on the market as total installer for the renovation, maintenance and building of new petrol stations,CNG stations,LNG stations. We are certified by Kiwa for installing petrol and LPG installations. We are also authorised to calibrate by the Dutch Weights and Measures(NMI). We have our own service department for maintenance.
Besides installer we are also manufacturers of LPG,CNG and LNG dispensers. These dispensers are designed and assembled in our factory in Lochem.
We design electrical control systems to customer specifications and are supplier of petrol stations automation and all sorts of accompanying articles. We are the importer for Europe, South Africa and the Benelux for the most important components in our dispensers, namely Tatsuno LPG hydraulics and Logitron-EX electronic counters.
Technisch Ingenieursbureau E. Meurs B.V. is active on the foreign market. Especially our LPG dispensers are being exported more and more abroad. We are currently doing business in countries such as Roemenia, Norway, China, Portugal,England,Belgium and France.